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We are consistently inspired by you—our ProNica family of supporters—and the many ways you contribute your time, talent and resources toward a better world. We’re delighted that the work of ProNica partner organizations in Nicaragua speaks to your hearts and minds. As we regularly see our partners taking practical and innovative steps to create just conditions in their communities, a heartfelt phone call from a ProNica supporter means so much— like the one we recently received from Diane Keefe (see article
above). It emboldens our resolve to accompany our partners with everything we have. When Diane shared that she wanted to start a Giving Circle in the New York Metro Area for the Acahualinca Women’s Center, we jumped for joy. Then we wondered about other friends of ProNica who might want to join in such a meaningful form of shared giving but might not be aware of giving circles or know quite where to begin. If you are so led, whether your ProNica Giving Circle starts with one neighbor on your back porch over coffee or with eight friends invited to dinner—if you form face-to-face community around a common purpose of investing in a more peaceful and equitable world, we’d love to hear about it and offer any support we can. We’ll be happy to answer your questions about our partners and share information we have about giving circles. A first step may be to decide which ProNica partner you’re led to form a Circle around? This newsletter is an excellent place to start, and for additional details about our partners, look at all of our Projects here.  More questions?  Contact us.
We greatly look forward to hearing from you!