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Do you recall the first time you felt like a citizen of the world?

You might have been jumping rope with your best friend and suddenly realized her family no longer seemed so exotic.  Perhaps it was when you were reading a book set in India or on a college trip to Guatemala.  Maybe it was watching a documentary about Nicaragua that showed immense beauty and great struggle side by side.

Whatever may have led you to a sense of the interconnectedness of all peoples, at ProNica, we’re so very thankful to be connected with you—those seeking a world where peaceful and just conditions abound.

As our Partners in Nicaragua work diligently toward more peaceful and just conditions in their communities, we’re asking you to help.  Every gift, small and large, makes a big difference.

Without you, our grassroots partners could never have accomplished so much.  Thanks for all you do!

You can also check out the ProNica Fall Newsletter coming soon, where you’ll read about the latest inspiring and life-changing progress by our grassroots partners in Nicaragua.