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  1. Like the Pronica Facebook page and leave a comment.  Sign up for ProNica’s quarterly newsletter.
  2. Watch a ProNica video and share it.
  3. Add a link to to your website or other media.
  4. Ask for donations for personal milestones on Facebook and social media.
  5. Tell 5 friends about ProNica.
  6. Create a Circle of Giving among Friends and adopt a project, such as the Acahualinca Beauty School, solely supported by ProNica.
  7. What is your special talent, gift or skill?  Donate your services to ProNica.
  8. Invite a ProNica rep to give an “In Their Shoes” talk about on-the-ground solidarity.
  9. Yard sales or used book sales create awareness, funds and fun!
  10. Connect and focus on special days of the year to support ProNica projects, such as:
      • Mother’s Day ~ ProNica: Casa Materna, Acahault Women’s Center, Acahualinca Beauty School
      • Domestic Violence Day ~ ProNica: Alternatives to Violence Program
      • Back-to-School – ProNica:  Casa del Nino, Los Quinchos Rehabilitation for Street Children, Two Libraries
Support ProNica at Quaker gatherings and with Friends
  • Ask your Monthly Meeting to give annually to ProNica.
  • Save to Give campaign.  Find something in your monthly budget you can do without and commit a monthly donation to ProNica in its place.
  • Offer to do a meeting for learning about ProNica or hold ProNica study groups four times a year.  ProNica quarterly newsletters are released in March, June, September and December.  Experiential articles from volunteers, delegations, board members and staff serve as excellent discussion points about solidarity and holistic accompaniment as a model for international witness.
  • If you have personally experienced a Friends Witness Trip to Nicaragua, give a talk and show photos.
  • Keep ProNica literature displayed (we will keep you supplied).
  • Host a potluck dinner of rice and beans and donate funds to ProNica projects.  44% of Nicaraguans live on less than $2/day.  Nicaraguans commonly joke, “We eat beans and rice for breakfast, rice and beans for lunch and gallo pinto (the national dish of rice and beans) for dinner.”  Google “gallo pinto Nicaragua” for recipe.
  • Display ProNica information at local events.
  • Organize a concert with artists sharing the proceeds.
  • Arrange gallery showings with proceeds sharing.
  • Connect with other progressive people and causes and ask for help.
  • Set up white elephant gift silent auction.
  • Write an article for the newsletter about why you give.
  • Offer to talk to your professional group about your commitment to giving.
  • Give a meal in your home to raise funds.
  • Develop slide show/video and materials for sharing at Yearly Meetings & find volunteers to present at various meetings.
  • Research grant-making organizations and identify those that may give to ProNica.
  • Write an article for Friends Journal or Quaker Life.
  • Write a short piece for Yearly Meeting newsletters.
  • Set the pace by personally giving to ProNica with a monthly or annual donation.